Xcelstriders Track Club Code of Conduct

Xcelstriders Track Club (“the Club”) must maintain standards that allow our athletes and parents (“Members”) to serve as role models and to protect our Club from harassment, ridicule, scandal and/or legal liability. Any Member who violates the Code of Conduct (in whole or in part) shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of their membership. This Code of Conduct shall be binding on all Members. Members are required to review and sign this Code of Conduct annually. However, a Member will not be exempt from following or otherwise not bound by this Code of Conduct merely by their failure to execute the form.

All Xcelstrider athletes and parents (as applicable) are expected to honor the tenets of the following Code of Conduct. Please execute and submit it along with your application.

-I understand that participation in athletics does not take precedence over regular academic school requirements

-I commit to maintaining acceptable academic and behavioral standing in school and the community

-I will inform subject teachers when I will be absent from class because of a track meet.

-I will obtain the class work and/or reschedule any test/quizzes that I may miss as a result of missing class because of a track meet

-I will challenge anyone whose behavior falls below the expected standards of healthy and positive athletic competition

- I will be responsible for my own training needs by being organized, having the appropriate equipment, and being on time

-I will report any injury or distress to parents and coaches as soon as possible

-I commit to the following:

  • No academic dishonesty

  • No teasing, swearing, or being disrespectful to adults or other athletes

  • No bullying, harassment, cyber-bullying, theft, or vandalizing

  • No overt disrespect to officials, parents, coaches, volunteers, adults, teammates, or other athletes -No involvement in illicit or criminal behavior

  • No vaping, smoking, or alcohol/drug use

-I will not use social media to publish or submit any of the following:

a. material that contains vulgar obscene or indecent language or images

b. material which defames, abuses or threatens others

c. statements that are bigoted, hateful or racially offensive

-I will not knowingly possess, use, transmit or be under the influence of drugs, inhalants, or controlled substances of any kind (unless its prescribed by a medical professional)

-I will practice good sportsmanship

- I will act in ways that bring respect to me, my coaches, parents, opponents, teammates, and my club

- I will not fight with other athletes, coaches, volunteers and staff

-I will work hard for myself and my team

- I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches

-Show patience with and respect diversity in others

-Never accept rides in cars or invitations into homes without the prior knowledge and consent of your parents/caregiver

Penalties for Code of Conduct Violations

  1. Reprimand

  2. Loss of practice/competition time

  3. Suspension from Major Impact Track Club

  4. Removal from the team